Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm Officially Smitten

That is, with the blog Smitten Kitchen. I stalk visit the website on a regular basis and I am consistently amazed by Deb's ability to not only cook and bake, but also photograph her food in such a beautiful way. Until yesterday I had not actually tried one of her recipes, but now I am so glad I did! Those pictures had been teasing me long enough.
We have recently been trying to be better about not wasting food and since we had some squash in the freezer and it was quite cool, we thought the Butternut Squash and Caramelized Onion Galette would fit the bill.
Unfortunately, (or so I thought) I only had mashed squash on hand, but I figured I could roll with it baby. I proceeded to make the pastry dough without any modifications, but after that, I strayed quite a bit.
My version of the squash filling consisted of the following:
*note: Someday I will get my act together and actually write down measurements:)

-mashed squash (souped up with brown sugar, butter, salt, and pepper)
-caramelized onions
-goat cheese
-grated parmesan reggiano
-toasted pecans
We both loved this dish and served it with some fresh mesclun greens tossed in a lemon balsamic vinaigrette. We will definately be stalking visiting Deb's site for fabulous recipes in the future.

1 comment:

  1. We happen to love butternut squash and coupled with caramelized onions, how could a person go wrong! I will be trying my hand at that recipe!

    The salad pic is clever, your photography is really nice!

    The crossed out words is clever and I will need some instructions!

    The Smitten Kitchen is a great resource but with dial up, I just can't see it all!
